Coggins Testing Services at Rio Grande Veterinary Clinic in Laredo, Texas

At Rio Grande Veterinary Clinic in Laredo, Texas, we offer comprehensive Coggins testing services to ensure the health and well-being of your equine companions. Our experienced veterinarians utilize advanced diagnostic techniques to accurately detect and monitor equine infectious anemia (EIA), providing you with reliable results and peace of mind. With a strong commitment to equine health and safety, our Coggins testing services adhere to industry standards, allowing you to fulfill regulatory requirements for travel, shows, and boarding facilities. From routine screenings to expedited testing, our skilled veterinary team is equipped to handle all your Coggins testing needs, providing personalized care and expert guidance every step of the way. Contact Rio Grande Veterinary Clinic today to schedule your equine's Coggins testing appointment and ensure their continued health and compliance with EIA regulations.

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3311 East Del Mar Blvd Suite 201


Monday: 7am - 5pm
Tuesday: 7am - 5pm
Wednesday: 12pm - 8pm
Thursday: 7am - 5pm
Friday: 7am - 5pm
Saturday: 8am to 12pm (1st & 3rd of the Month)
Sunday: Closed

After Hours

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