Equine General Medicine Services at Rio Grande Veterinary Clinic

At Rio Grande Veterinary Clinic, we understand the unique healthcare needs of horses and the importance of Equine General Medicine in maintaining their overall well-being. Our Laredo-based clinic is staffed with skilled and knowledgeable veterinarians dedicated to providing top-notch medical services for your horses.

Our Equine General Medicine services cover a broad spectrum of healthcare needs for horses, including routine check-ups, vaccinations, lameness evaluations, dental care, and preventive treatments. Whether your horse requires a routine wellness examination or specialized medical attention, our team is equipped with the latest diagnostic tools and expertise to ensure accurate diagnoses and effective treatments.

As a leading equine veterinary clinic in Laredo, we are committed to building lasting relationships with our clients and their horses. We take the time to understand the unique needs of each horse and provide personalized care tailored to their specific requirements. Our goal is to keep your horses healthy, active, and thriving, so you can enjoy many happy years together.

Book an appointment with Rio Grande Veterinary Clinic today and let our experienced veterinarians take care of your horses' health needs. With our Equine General Medicine services, you can rest assured that your equine companions are in the best possible hands.

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3311 East Del Mar Blvd Suite 201


Monday: 7am - 5pm
Tuesday: 7am - 5pm
Wednesday: 12pm - 8pm
Thursday: 7am - 5pm
Friday: 7am - 5pm
Saturday: 8am to 12pm (1st & 3rd of the Month)
Sunday: Closed

After Hours

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